Achieve Stock Market Success with Online Stock Screeners


Search engines allow you to research stock screener and online investment opportunities that meet certain criteria: criteria can be critical or technical, depending on what you consider to be the most relevant indicator. Rills consist of a business database, a set of data you want to qualify for business and vectorization engine that looks for qualified based variables using screening companies.

If we take an example, say you are interested in stocks that are sold between 30 and 40 cents per share. In addition to that, you want those who have a certain price to the ratio of the salary and perhaps a capitalization of some level of the market. The engine will provide all companies that meet these criteria.

These are simple criteria, for example, because there is a variety of them. The type depends on the criteria you use in your own experience and that you have found through market research and experimentation. Some prefer to use key criteria such as the financial status of the company and the income and the economic ratio of the country while others prefer technical testing using commercial information such as prices and last volume inventory transactions.

Once the actions that do not meet your deleted criteria, you will have what is called a “watch list” which should be as short as possible to allow for an easier analysis to achieve. So how do the values ​of the selection criteria are determined to use? Each trader determines these in his own way, with his own research and technical analysis to buy when stocks are sought.

Some of them are:

  1. Look for stocks among certain price categories, for example between 15.00 and 25.00 for short-term trading, or longer for long-term investments, and between 80.00 and 150.00.
  2. Find the average volume of stocks with an average daily volume of 3 months, at least 90.00 – the higher the volume, the greater the liquidity, meaning more people are actively buying and selling these stocks. If you buy stocks with a higher average daily volume then you will find it easier to sell when you want. Less liquid stocks are bad news if you want to sell them later.
  3. These are the types of technical data, but if you want a long-term investment, it is usually preferable to use basic data such as email. Therefore, you can examine dividend yields and price/equity value (B / W). You can also include accounting relationships in your criteria, such as the past and current relationships.

If you are not sure what criteria the different options do, run a Google search for the term and get familiar with its meaning. If you use Riddle values, then it is important that you understand the language with them. Another way to learn about them is to play with different scavengers values. Try a set of criteria, record the results and modify the criteria and see the difference between the results on the screen.

Once you understand how to use them correctly, protection values ​​can be an extremely useful tool, but once you understand the criteria and how to filter the results you do not want, it will be much more useful. They can provide mediocre results, and the results will be as good as the research you do and how you use the information provided. Each result gives the examiner must be thoroughly investigated and you should never buy and sell only the detection results.

Protective stock screener should only be used as a tool to provide a surveillance list, and all results should be more research and analysis. However, when used properly, storage managers can provide a highly targeted list of actions that meet your criteria that can be as loose or as stringent as you want. The time savings compared to manual methods is phenomenal, and once you’ve used the detection never again back to the old, no matter how “tried and trusted” was supposed to be. That is a promise.